EPS styrofoam compactor is a new type of environmental protection equipment. It can compress all kinds of waste foam into high-density blocks, thus realizing the reuse of foam. The working principle of an EPS styrofoam recycling compactor mainly relies on the compressor and sealing system.

Shuliy is a professional styrofoam compactor manufacturer with our own recycling machine manufacturing plant. If you are looking for an EPS styrofoam compactor for sale welcome to contact us.

EPS styrofoam compactor Working Principle

EPS styrofoam recycling compactor is mainly used to compress the foam material into a strong material by placing the waste foam into the machine and utilizing the high-pressure gas.

The high-pressure gas in the styrofoam compactor allows the air in the foam material to be squeezed out, which makes the material tighter and stronger.

At the same time, cold pressing can cause changes in the molecular structure of the waste foam, increasing its strength and stability.

styrofoam compactor cost

Shuliy offers a wide range of models of EPS styrofoam compactors at affordable prices. At Shuliy, you can buy an EPS styrofoam recycling compactor at a very low cost.

The cold-pressed foam not only facilitates the transportation and handling of the material but also reduces the cost of using the material. If you want to recycle foam, it is recommended that you purchase a foam cold press.

affordable styrofoam compactor

Reliable EPS styrofoam recycling compactor manufacturer

With more than two decades of experience in manufacturing recycling machines, Shuliy is a reliable styrofoam compactor manufacturer. Our products include plastic pelletizing equipment, plastic crushing equipment, and PET recycling equipment.

If you want to buy an EPS styrofoam compactor or other plastic recycling equipment, please feel free to contact us. We will get in touch with you to discuss the machine details after leaving a message on our website.

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